Articles by Eileen Kennedy-Moore, PhD About Parenting Advice


What to Say Instead of “Be Careful!”

How to empower your child to take reasonable caution and sensible risks.

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What’s Wrong with Sticker Charts and Reward Systems?

At first glance, using a sticker chart or other reward system seems like a harmless way to gain children’s cooperation. But there are some potential downsides to this strategy.

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Can Parental Touch Help Socially Anxious Children?

Touch is our most basic way of connecting and comforting. A recent study suggests that parental touch can also serve as a safety signal for children.

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Want Your Child to Listen and Learn? Don’t Lecture

When children do things they know they shouldn’t, it’s tempting to lecture them. But lectures make kids feel defensive or resentful. Here’s what to do instead.

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What to Say to Empathize Better With Your Child

Reflection is a way of expressing empathy that involves describing the feelings you see. Here, some straightforward phrases to try with your child.

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What Are Reasonable Expectations for Children?

When parents have expectations that don’t fit a particular child at a particular time, it sets that child up for feeling like a failure.

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When & How to Say No to Kids

Here are seven situations when you may need to say no to your kids and some suggestions for how to do it.

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The Case Against Zero Tolerance In Schools

A recent study shows that a brief intervention encouraging teachers to respond with empathy to misbehaving students was able to reduce middle school suspension rates by half.

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What To Do When Your Child Does Something Mean

If your child is acting mean, teach her how her actions affect others and how to make more caring choices.

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Struggles that Make Kids Stronger

Sometimes the best thing we can do for our kids is to allow them to struggle.

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Three Strategies for Teaching Children Self-Control

When kids have better self-contro, they do better in school and get along better with others.

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Why Kids Lie and What To Do About It

Most children will experiment with lying. As parents, it’s our job to teach them about the importance of honesty.

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Will teaching my baby sign language before he can speak affect when he will start talking?

Will teaching my baby sign language before he can speak affect when he will start talking?

I’m worried that if I teach my 7-month-old sign language, he may become too comfortable. I’m afraid he won’t speak out loud as much if he thinks signing does the job just fine.

Photo Credit: Myriams-Fotos/Pixabay

How do I get my toddler to get dressed?

My 2 1/2-year-old daughter has been fighting with both my husband and me about getting dressed or putting her coat on. We give her a choice of outfits, give her few-minute warning before leaving for somewhere, but nothing seems to work.

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How do I have the period talk with my daughters?

It’s time to have the period talk but I’m a bit unsure as to how to start the conversation

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What age should my daughter start babysitting?

What age should my daughter start babysitting?

How can I tell if my kid is mature enough to babysit? What rules should parents set for their kids before they start caring for someone else’s children?

Photo Credit: erezerlichman/Pixabay

How can I stop my daughter acting out, due to our separation?

With her dad not around, my daughter’s become aggressive and angry. Could this be her way of craving/wanting attention, and how can I stop it?

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Helping the “Bad Kid” of the Family

Sometimes, one child in the family gets into trouble noticeably more than the other children. Here’s how to help that child step out of the “Bad Kid” role.

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10 Ways to Help Children Listen Better

“My kid doesn’t listen!” is a common parent complaint. The answer to being heard may be to make it easier for our children to listen. Here are some ideas about how to do this.

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Chores and Children

Practical ways to get kids to help with housework.

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